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Luxury Downsizing: What is it?

Oct 17, 2021

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Living in an apartment within the city definitely has its perks. Living so close to so much means you have a plethora of opportunities at your doorstep. Five-star restaurants, amazing entertainment and trendy nightclubs, all within walking distance. Sometimes you may feel you need to downsize, but do you really want to lose that sense of luxury you feel in your current environment? This is where Luxury Downsizing works a treat.

First off, What is Luxury Downsizing?

Luxury downsizing is basically simplifying your home so you have more time to spend on the things you enjoy in life. It means living with less, but keeping the luxury you have come to enjoy. For the longest time, it was seen as empty-nesters keeping that sense of luxury they had worked years to achieve while reducing the amount of space needed.

But recently, it has also become a great option for young couples and families to not only maximise their lifestyle with a few luxurious items and smart design solutions but also create a highly functional home.

How does one downsize while keeping that sense of luxury?

When you luxury downsize, you need to make sure that you are maximising the function of the space while maintaining that sense of prestige that you love. One quick and simple way is to purchase multi-functional furniture and custom built-ins to increase the storage space. You could also:

  • Design the rooms of the apartment for multiple purposes – This might seem like a challenge, but in reality, it can be quite straightforward. Say you have a guest room that you want to keep but you only have visitors a handful of times a year. Why not double it as an office or a reading room? Place some nice leather chairs and a mahogany coffee table to keep it both luxurious and useful.
  • Be smart with the storage you have – Make sure you completely utilise the storage you have and meticulously place each item so that more can be stored away. But still, try to maintain a minimalistic mind frame. The point of luxury downsizing is to rid yourself of the things that you don’t use or need, not just store them away.
  • Redecorate with luxurious items – It wouldn’t be luxurious downsizing if you didn’t have those luxurious items scattered across the apartment. Once you have parted ways with the items you no longer need or want, splurge a little and buy some things that give you that feeling of prestige. If you already have these items, place them in prominent places so that you can enjoy them on a daily basis.

But what should I part ways with?

This can be a difficult process, depending on what you might have to part ways with. Obviously, family items and mementos will most likely stay, but after that, employ the six-month rule. The six-month rule is essentially discarding an item you haven’t used in six months or more. Have some kitchen items you barely ever use? Toss them. A second or third TV that is taking up space? Sell it on Facebook Marketplace. Basically, if you don’t use it regularly or it doesn’t have some special meaning behind it, you should discard it.

Looking at downsizing permanently? Contact Amazing Apartments Today!

Sometimes, you need a fresh change that requires more than just downsizing the items you have in the household. Sometimes you need to downsize your home completely. This is where Amazing Apartments comes in. Our team of expert apartment real estate agents can help you not only sell your current apartment but also find your next one. Contact us today and we can talk you through the next steps.